
About the Author

All things considered, I'm a pretty vanilla kind of guy. I was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, which I'm convinced is one of the best places to grow up. I also have the privilege of working at Reformed Theological Seminary in the Office of Communications and I absolutely love my job.

I'm currently a full-time student at Mississippi College, where I'm heavily involved with an organization called Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). I'll earn the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with minors in history and communication before graduate school and pursuing a career in higher education. 

I love theology, mathematics, music, acting, coffee, staying fit, my church family, and simply thinking about various and sundry things. In short, I'm a thinker. Some call me an over-thinker. Thinking might very well be what I do best, for better of for worse. My beliefs about the Christian faith are best summarized by the ecumenical creeds and the Westminster Standards. As an aside, these are pretty cool and you should give them a read.

I'm rather impatiently awaiting the Eschaton, trying to glorify God, enjoy His good and many gifts, and grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ in the meantime.
Join me on this blog as I share the random thoughts that bounce around in my head and overflow out through my ears day in and day out. Theology isn't dead; it's on fire. Let's study it together. 


Jude 1:24-25

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